Being the prominent manufacturer and exporter, we are highly appraised for offering Horizontal Three Pass Manual Fired Thermic Fluid Heater. In the chemical, oil, rubber and textile industry, this heater provides high process heating solution. Our heater is manufactured under the guidance of the technical experts using high quality materials according to the quality standards set by the industry. Offered Horizontal Three Pass Manual Fired Thermic Fluid Heater is available in the market at a nominal price.
Further Details
The HTM-arrangement, Horizontal Three Pass Manual Fired Thermic Fluid oil warmer is intended for most extreme proficiency, utilizing an assortment of strong fills including agro-waste powers. It permits high process temperatures at low working weights.
The strong energizes burning framework comprises of fuel taking care of and feeding gear, stubborn lined chamber, air and pipe gas taking care of framework (counting I.D. fan and F.D. fan) with blowers and contamination control hardware. The heater development is done on customer site (just for blocks works). It incorporates establishment, manufacture and erection of supporting structure, repairing terminating entryways, slag entryways, building up stubborn chambers, access entryways, bolster bars for fire grates, grate bars, and so on.
Product Features:
Operating Range: